! TDs Homepage



July 5th, 2015
This homepage moved to www.h4ck.de.

January 7th, 2015
This homepage went online.


Coarse/Fine Potentiometers


For electronic projects you sometimes need potentiometers with very fine adjustment range. Sometimes you need a coarse adjustment instead. But what happens if you need both at once? Read here about a sophisticated solution for a combined coarse/fine adjustment with two standard potentiometers.

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Resistive dummy load


From time to time, and especially during development of high current power supplies there arises the need for dummy loads which can consume high power drains. Here is a cheap solution for a not too constant resistance dummy load.

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Pulled pork with Weber Q140/Q120 electro


The science of barequeing includes the discipline of low & slow to pull a really juicy pork of the fork. To achieve this, the cooking chamber temperature of a Weber Q140 was measured and logged with a thermocouple so see how low and slow the small Weber grill could go.

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Google Maps Tile Convert & Coordinates


A little Python script that converts the name of google maps tiles from a Firefox cache directory into the qrst-coded format used by gMapMaker and other programs.

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This is a page about the ACP-project, a homebrew compactdisc player that allows to alter the playback-velocity in realtime. A normal, analogue turntable is used as input for the playback velocity. Unfortunately, this project was stopped and never completed.

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AVL User Primer (Manual)

This is a PDF version of the user manual for the well-known vortex-lattice implementation Athena Vortex Lattice (AVL) written by Harold Youngren and Mark Drela.

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New homepage


New year brings a new design. Starting on 07. Jan. 2015 this new homepage went online.

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Longboard #1

HighFish Laminates are mostly high-tech materials, but not mandatory made of high-tech base components. Here you can see how a pre-formed birch-plywood is manufactured to be used as a longboard deck.

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Color tone scanning with ditial cameras

Amp Re-mixing an existing colortone can be quite an exercise for the untrained eye. Once you think you did it, you will find remarkable differences when you bring the two colors next to each other. If you want to avoid the costs of having the color tone machine-mixed or you don't have access to expensive professional color scanners, this is an example of how to use the very potent sensor of your digital camera for this purpose.

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High Current Linear Regulated Bench Power Supply

Amp A linear regulated bench power supply using the 2SC2922 power transistors was constructed. It is based on a design of H. Mauz which was developed for 30V and 15A continuous current and originally had three separate PCBs for the regulator, thermal management and control and a TRIAC-pre-regulator. The built power supply is a reduced variant which uses only one 115x125mm PCB for the power supply and thermal control. It is adjusted for 26.4V/10A output and does not use any pre-regulators. Special aspects for high current power supplies are briefly discussed and testing results for thermal stability and voltage stability are presented.

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